Nominations Open
Monday,14th of October at 9am
This is the official time that you can nominate yourself to run for an elected officer position here at the KPA. You can nominate yourself by emailing kpa.elections@keele.ac.uk with your FULL NAME, your STUDENT NUMBER and the POSITION that you would like to run for. Our CRO and our DRO will then check your student number to ensure that you are a registered postgraduate student at Keele University. You will then be contacted to confirm your nomination.
Candidate Briefing Session
Tuesday 29th of October at 6 pm in Room: WM0.01
On receipt of nomination, you will be asked to attend the candidate briefing session. This will be an in-person event with details to be provided by our DRO and CRO. During the candidate briefing, you will receive a detailed presentation from our DRO and CRO on the next stages, what will be expected of you as a candidate, provide examples of campaign material and take you through the hustings process. Here, you will be able to ask any questions you might have about the process.
Nominations Close
Monday,28th of October at 5pm
This round of nominations will close by 5 pm. After this point, you will be unable to nominate yourself for any of our officer positions. All nominations will be checked by our team. You will then be contacted to confirm the nomination.
Election Material Deadline
Monday 4th of November at
12:00 PM
You will be required to share your election material with the CRO and the DRO as it will need to be approved. You must not display, share or post your campaign material physically or online until you have received formal approval from our CRO or DRO via email.
(In case you want to get it checked then please submit it a day or two in advance to get the time for corrections.)
Approval of Campaign Material
Tuesday 5th November at 12noon
Campaigning Begins
at 3pm
Once all campaign material has been approved, candidates will start their campaigning at 3 pm. All election material will be posted on our social media channels and website. All candidates will be allocated 30 printed A4 size pages, provided by the KPA. We will also print one poster and one manifesto per candidate and place it on display in the KPA Clubhouse.
Voting Open
Wednesday 13th of November at 9am
All postgraduate students at Keele will recieve their E-Voting card via. email - please make sure to check your junk/spam inbox!
At the KPA we use the Alternative Voting System, you can access our simple 'How to vote' guide here
Candidate Hustings
Monday 11th of November at 5pm at Room CBA0.060 and Online
This is an opportunity for candidates to meet the membership, advertise their candidacy by giving a short two-minute speech where they will introduce themselves and talk about their ideas and plans for the role that they are standing for, and then answer any questions that are asked by the member
Voting Closes
Friday 15th November at 5pm
Voting will close at 5 pm meaning that campaigning will also come to an end. Election results announcement at 7 pm on the same day in the KPA Clubhouse and online via our social media and website.
Results Announced
Friday 15th November at 7pm in the KPA Clubhouse and online
Election results will be announced online at 7pm on the same day .