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Presidential Monthly Reports (February)

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the February Monthly Report for the Keele Postgraduate Association has been published and is now available for reading.

In this report, you will find updates on the various meetings and events attended by the KPA throughout the month of February. These include meetings with the Keele Doctoral Academy, Council, Student Voice Committee, and Events and Campaigns, among others.

Additionally, the KPA organized a range of events and activities throughout February that catered to a wide range of interests and preferences. These events aimed to promote well-being, diversity, and community engagement among postgraduate students at Keele University.

To read the full report, please visit the link provided below:

We encourage all postgraduate students at Keele to read the report and stay updated on the KPA's efforts towards creating a supportive and inclusive community for all members. If you have any feedback or suggestions for the KPA, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Abdelrhman Rayis

KPA President

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